FlexSchool is an accredited private school where gifted and twice-exceptional (2e) students can develop their talents among intellectual peers in a nurturing learning environment. Our small, discussion-based classes combine engaging coursework with the executive functioning support and social-emotional learning that gifted and 2e students thrive on. 
Our Campuses

Why Choose FlexSchool?

Many highly creative, eager gifted students struggle to thrive in school. Some lose their confidence, their sense of purpose and finally their will to try. Twice-exceptional students experience similar challenges. Whether they are impacted by a specific learning disability, poor executive functioning, slow processing speed, ASD, anxiety, or even intense stubbornness to “do things their way,” they are stuck.

Whether online or on campus, our unique approach of ability and discussion-based classes, small class size, and social and emotional support allows students to take risks and thrive in ways they haven’t been able to in their previous school environments. In addition, attending a school with students like themselves provides a space for students to find friends, practice social skills with a forgiving student body, and learn to appreciate and accept the quirks of others.

The FlexSchool Story


Upcoming Events

List of 6 events.

  • Nov

    Parent Support Group

    All parents from all campuses are invited to attend our Parent Support Group for an opportunity to connect with other FlexSchool parents, share strategies, and talk about all things gifted and 2e. The group is hosted by the FlexSchool counseling team, and meets once a month in Caroline’s Zoom room.
  • Nov

    Thanksgiving Break

    Thanksgiving Break - no classes.
  • Nov
  • Dec

    First Trimester Report Cards

    First Trimester report cards are available.
  • Dec

    Parent Workshop: “Crazy Smart” or Just “Crazy?” Is there an Intersection Between Neurodivergence and Serious Mental Illness?

    Are all gifted and neurodivergent people one bad day away from a supervillain origin story? Does a glimmer of genius exist in even the most insane? What does insane even mean? When viewed through the lens of modern neuropsychology and broader societal trends, a clear framework emerges that explains why genius and madness have so often been linked together throughout history. While most of the connections are false, there is enough interplay between the realities of being neurodivergent and the expectations of being “crazy” that one can see why the rumor persists after all these years. 

  • Dec

    Parent Support Group

    All parents from all campuses are invited to attend our Parent Support Group for an opportunity to connect with other FlexSchool parents, share strategies, and talk about all things gifted and 2e. The group is hosted by the FlexSchool counseling team, and meets once a month in Caroline’s Zoom room.
View All Events
