
A FlexSchool Education

FlexSchool is a private school designed specifically to help gifted and twice-exceptional (2e) students achieve their academic potential. Rather than take a traditional model and make accommodations for our students, we started with the students and built a school to allow them to fly.
The common denominator at FlexSchool is that our students are gifted. Some students do not have learning challenges and have consciously chosen to learn in a small and supportive academically rigorous environment with like-minded peers, primarily because they thrive in a more flexible setting than in a rigid, high-pressured school.

Our goal is to teach students how to support arguments, research with abandon, communicate ideas clearly, evaluate information, and connect themes among subjects. We provide a liberal arts education to middle and high school students who are interested in small, discussion-based and collaborative classes. The depth of analysis and intensity of debate keep discussions lively!

Our gifted and 2e students are free to soar in the subjects that come easily, and supported in the subjects that are more challenging. All classes are taught by subject experts, supported by learning specialists, and formed around ability rather than age. Students who feel safe can take risks and face the frustration necessary to learn. While we encourage students to learn in small classes, we have learning specialists and private classes available for students who struggle in a particular subject, though our goal is to have students in small classes.

While upper-level high school courses are taught at the AP level and students are prepared for the exams, we have chosen to create our own curricula rather than following those dictated by the College Board.

Individualized Learning

FlexSchool can provide individualized learning options such as private classes, tutoring, and mentorships.

FlexSchool Students ...

List of 3 items.

  • Develop Thriving Relationships

    Have the ability to thrive in our relationship-based model.
  • Engage in the Community

    Have a desire to contribute to and engage with a community of peers.
  • Find friends who accept them as they are

    Have a sense of belonging